Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Watch Your.....

“Watch your thoughts because they become your words, watch your words because they become actions, watch your actions because they become habits, watch your habits because they will become your destiny.”

Have you ever thought about how the words that are coming out of your mouth affect your life? Are you speaking positive things or negative things? Are you saying “Ugh, I don’t want to go to work!” or “Yeah, thank you God for this job!” I know we may not want to go to work but do we look at as a blessing or a curse? I’m not exactly excited to go to work everyday but I’m so thankful that I have it and it’s helping me pay my bills. It could always be worse and also this job is a stepping stone to the next. One thing that I have found that helps is doing something on the side that you DO enjoy. Maybe it’s another job or a hobby. I really enjoy writing this blog which helps me not to get unhappy with my current job because I have this to look forward to everyday.

When you think about yourself are there things you like about you? Maybe you have long beautiful hair, or a great smile or a talent for singing or dancing or maybe you’re really creative. We all have something special and it’s important that we see it. I love my smile and hate my wide feet. But I don’t dwell on the thing I don’t like. When we focus on what we don’t like about ourselves it hurts our self confidence and self esteem. Obviously we shouldn’t have big heads or egos but we should know that we’re beautiful and we’re all different and not to compare. God made us all unique on purpose, so why are we all trying to be the same?
To write love on her arms.

I’ve worked in the travel/hospitality field for a long time so I’ve been around a lot of people. What I have found is that most people need to fix their perspectives. For whatever reason we tend to always look to the negative instead of the positive. Instead of being grateful that we have a job, we complain about going to work. Instead of being grateful that we have a car to get around in, we complain it’s not good or new enough. Instead of being grateful that we have clothes to wear, we complain that they aren’t in style. Instead of being grateful that we have a roof over our head, we complain that we need a bigger house. We are so good at looking at what we DON’T have instead of looking at what we DO HAVE. I’m guilty of this as well but I’m changing my attitude and catching myself. For example, I had switched days with another server so I would have had yesterday off and worked tomorrow night. Nathan had last night off and we would have had a date night (We don’t have very many nights off together). But the other girl was sick and I had to work. I was not thrilled and I could have dwelled on it all night and complained but instead I looked at the positives. And you know what I ended up having a super night and made some great money, possibly more than I would have made on Thursday. The way we view the world and our circumstances can determine our happiness and joy.
6-19-10 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!


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