Wednesday, June 30, 2010

NO more Stuff!

In today's world when we want something we just go out and get it. There's no saving and planning, it's lets go get it right now! We have been taught that it's okay to do this and have all kinds of debt. In 1980 the total consumer debt was $1.3 trillion and now it is beyond $3.3 trillion! The Wall Street Journal says that 70% of the American public lives paycheck to paycheck. The American Bankruptcy Institute says that in 1980 there were just more than 500,000 bankruptcies filed and by 2002 almost 1,500,000 were filed with new records set almost every year in between. How insane is all of this?

I was fortunate to take a financial class by Dave Ramsey. By age 26 he had a $4 million real estate portfolio and lost it all by age 30! However since then he has rebuilt his financial life and teaches thousands to manage their money. All the info above is from his book Financial Peace Revisited.

One concept really affected me and got me thinking. Dave said the average car payment in America is $464 ! (That is so insane to me) He suggested something else though, instead of going out and getting a car loan to do this: save $464 for ten months. At the end of the ten months go buy a car with the cash you have but then save $464 again for ten months. After these ten months go trade in the car you have and buy another car with the cash you saved. And just keep doing this until you have the car you desire and you'll have done it without ever having a car payment! Isn't that a great feeling to not worry about a car payment every month? The only thing is, you have to wait and be patient and save but at least you have peace. It doesn't have to be $464 or ten months, whatever works for you.

A story Dave told us was about a man who was raised with a grandpa who told him if he ever borrowed money, the grandpa would "kill" him (of course not literally). When this guy was 23 he had a job making $50,000 and when he got married his wife was a teacher making $30,000. In the beginning they lived in an apartment above a garage for minimum rent, and they lived on $30,000 and saved $50,000. They did this for four years. After the four years he went out, bought a house for $150,000, paid in cash and gave his wife a check for $50,000 to furnish the house! All it took was four years and now they have no mortgage as long as they live in that house. What an amazing feeling.

A recent survey conducted by Consolidated Credit Counseling Services found that 71% of Americans say debts are making their home lives unhappy. Money and debt are a major problem in America and cause a lot of divorces. We have to stop saying "yes" and start saying "not right now." I know this. In my early 20's I said yes a lot and now that I'm married and starting a new life I want to do things right. I don't need a new car every two years or to go out to eat four times a week or to buy "stuff." That "stuff" won't make us any happier especially if we can't pay the bills and we're stressing.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

mY fAvoRiTe ThInGs

I woke up this morning in the worst mood and not really sure why? Then as the morning/afternoon went on I just keep getting more grumpy and annoyed. We all have days like this. I think sometimes we like to stay in this mood. But I had to get out of it or I would have wasted this bee-you-tee-full day.

I read that we should all have 'secret shifters' up our sleeve when these days/moments cross our path. What these are, are ways to get out of our funk and back to normal. Some ideas; put on beautiful music, start singing, get out in nature, hug someone you love or read a book--that'll change your emotion. Or think of something that makes you smile like your pet or your significant other or rainbows and dwell on it. Block anything else from your mind and really focus on that happy thought. Also just smile. The act of smiling alone can change your emotions as well.

So next time you feel yourself getting frustrated or grumpy just start thinking of anything that makes you feel good or happy. Focus and dwell on that thing and if one doesn't work move on to the next thought. It only takes a minute or two of changing focus to shift yourself to better spirits.

I love the movie/musical The Sound of Music and as I was writing this of course this song came to mind.

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things

Cream colored ponies and crisp apple streudels
Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings
These are a few of my favorite things

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes
Silver white winters that melt into springs
These are a few of my favorite things

When the dog bites
When the bee stings
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad

Monday, June 28, 2010

Letting Go

I have ALWAYS liked and/or wanted to be right and if I'm not...well I'm sure as heck not going to admit it. To me that would hurt my pride and possibly embarrass me if I wasn't right. Luckily though I am getting much better at this whole being right thing ALL the time. I remember back in my teen years when someone did me wrong, I didn't want to forgive that person. Why? Because for one if you forgive that person, it's like you're saying what they did was okay when it definitely wasn't. Also when you forgive someone you're putting your pride, the right to be right aside and humbling yourself instead. WHAT?! So you can see where I may have had a problem.

I have been fortunate enough to learn the importance of forgiveness early on. Can you think of a time when you just couldn't forgive someone? What this person did was unbelievable and you just can't fathom forgiving him? What was on your mind all the time? What consumed your thoughts and actions? How did this person affect your life? The problem with not forgiving is that you let bitterness and anger take hold of your heart, your thoughts and your actions. And the funny thing is the person who you're angry at has no clue what 'hold' they have over you. You are letting that person control your life! You don't have to wait until that person apologizes to forgive. You may never get an apology. This person may have no idea you're upset with him.

Think of it this way, when you forgive someone who "trespasses" against you; it isn't for him, it is for you! It frees your heart and gives you peace. The power over you is gone. The best thing that I have read is from Beth Moore who says "Forgiving means 'handing over to God the responsibility for justice'." Scripture tells us "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." (Ephesians 4:32) Also (Romans 12:19) "Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: 'It is mine to avenge; I will repay' says the Lord."

I want to take this a little bit farther. When Jesus was crucified like a criminal he prayed "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing" (Luke 23:34). Jesus experienced horrible torture on our behalf. He took our sins onto him when we should have been the ones on the cross and then on top of it, he prayed that his Father would forgive those who were crucifying him! This is the example we are to follow. If Jesus forgave then we should to.

I'm in no way saying that forgiving is easy but it is so important that you do it. When you don't it has a hold or power against you and it hardens your heart. God can't work in your life with your heart in that condition which means he can't heal you. Why would you want to live your life with bitterness, anger and hatred? What kind of life is that?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Traveler's Gift

As I was reading The Traveler's Gift I would come across sentences or paragraphs that I thought were great advice and thought I'd share them.
  • Truth is truth. If a thousand people believe something foolish, it is still foolish! Truth is never dependent upon consensus of opinion.
  • If you worry about what other people think of you, then you will have more confidence in their opinion than you have in your own.
  • Poor is the man who future depends on the opinions and permission of others.
  • If you're afraid of criticism, you will die doing nothing.
  • I see men who don't know the limits they can reach.
  • Success requires the emotional balance of a committed heart. When confronted with a challenge, the committed heart will search for a solution. The undecided heart searches for an escape. A committed heart does not wait for conditions to be exactly right.
  • David Ponder " I am actually going through the worst time in my life right now." Abe Lincoln "Congrats are in order then! Better days are most assuredly ahead. To us, two men experiencing the worst life has to offer."
  • As adults we are afraid to step out of the light. We are afraid to become more. But how can we lead others to a destination we have not reached? Keep searching. I am urging you to seek the light that to you seems so far in the distance. It will be worth the journey. You will become a lighthouse of personal growth and power and by your example and leadership, you will prevent many a worthy man from crashing his life upon the rocks of mediocrity.
  • The unmistakable truth about forgiveness is that it is not a reward that must be earned; forgiveness is a gift to be given. When I give forgiveness, I free my own spirit to release the anger and hatred harbored in my heart. By granting forgiveness, I free my spirit to pursue my future happily and unencumbered by the anchors of my past. And forgiveness, when granted to others, becomes a gift to myself.
  • But it is a fact that great leaders--great achievers--are rarely realistic by other people's standards. Somehow, these successful people, often considered strange, pick their way through life ignoring or not hearing negative expectations and emotions. Consequently, they accomplish one great thing after another, never having heard what cannot be done. That is precisely why one should never tell a young person that something cannot be done. God may have been waiting centuries for someone ignorant enough of the impossible to do that very thing!
  • Times of calamity and distress have always been producers of the greatest men. The hardest steel is produced from the hottest fire; the brightest star shreds the darkest night.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Big Guy

I have always believed in God but I didn't go to church or read the Bible. I prayed when I needed him but that's it. That all changed in 2007 around the time my grandpa passed. For some reason I needed to know more and I wanted to read the Bible and anything else I could get my hands on. It's funny how once you know more about someone or something your opinion changes and you appreciate him/her/it more. The more I learned about God's love, compassion, forgiveness and mercy the more I loved Him and I became a better person because of it. Here are some amazing things I've learned in the last 2 years.
  • God loves us with unconditionally love and more than anyone does. There is nothing we can do to change that. He never disqualifies or writes us off.
  • As long as you ASK for forgiveness, He will forgive you. No matter what you did!
  • He believes in us more than anyone does including ourselves.
  • He gave us all gifts, talents, dreams and desires. We just need to tap into them.
  • God is patient and never gives up on us. He is the God of second chances.
  • For me personally He has, answered my prayers, comforted me and gave me peace, guided and directed my steps, blessed me and has made me a more loving and forgiving person.
I included this blog b/c without God I wouldn't have any peace or passion or be able to get through the tough times. He Is my encouragement and strength. He Is the one who uplifts me and helps me get through my day.

Friday, June 25, 2010


She's Out of my League, Eclipse, Shrek, Sex and the City, Ironman 2, Grown Ups, Toy Story 3...........

One of my most favorite things to do is going to the movies. We all have our indulgences and this is mine. I don't really like the $10/ticket thing BUT I do love escaping my world for two hours, into someone else's. When I'm in the dark movie theater all I focus on is the screen in front of me. There are no worries or concerns. I totally forget where I am and what is going on in my life. It's the most peaceful place for me.

Some people escape through books or cooking or exercising. We all have "our thing." I like to write about uplifting and positive things and the joys of life. And well movies are one of my joys. So today think about what brings you joy and happiness. What is your indulgence? And then give thanks for it!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


The Paradoxical Commandments

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.

People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Push On

This is one of David's last destinations. He meets the archangel Gabriel.

Seventh Decision for Success.........I will persist without exception!
  • Knowing that I have already made changes in my life that will last forever, today I insert the final piece of the puzzle
  • I possess the greatest power ever bestowed upon mankind, the power of CHOICE
  • Today, I choose to persist without exception. I will continue despite exhaustion
  • I know the outcome I desire. I hold fast to my dreams. I stay the course. I DO NOT quit
  • I acknowledge that most people quit when exhaustion sets in. I am NOT "most people." I am stronger than most people
  • Average people compare themselves with other people. That is why they are average. I compare myself to my potential. I am NOT average
  • I see exhaustion as a precursor to victory
  • By persisting without exception, my outcome--my success--is assured. I will persist without exception. I focus on results
  • To achieve the results that I desire, it is not even necessary that I enjoy the process. It is only important that I continue the process with my eyes on the outcome
  • I will persist without exception. I am a person of great faith
  • In Jeremiah, my Creator declares, "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." From this day forward, I will claim a faith in the certainty of my future
  • Too much of my life has been spent doubting my beliefs and believing my doubts. NO MORE
  • I have faith in my future. I do not look left or right. I look forward. I can only persist
  • For me, faith will always be a sounder guide than reason because reason can only go so far--faith has NO limits!
  • I will expect miracles in my life because faith produces them every day
  • I will believe in the future that I do not see. That is faith. And the reward of this faith is to see the future that I believed
  • I will continue despite exhaustion. I focus on results. I am a person of great faith. I will persist without exception!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Lets head to Gettysburg again and meet Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States. He claimed every man should be free but not everyone agreed.

Sixth Decision for Success......I will greet this day with a forgiving spirit
  • For too long, every ounce of forgiveness I owned was locked away, hidden from view, waiting for me to bestow its precious presence upon some worthy person
  • Alas, I found most people to be singularly unworthy of my valuable forgiveness, and since they never asked for any, I kept it all for myself
  • Now, the forgiveness that I hoarded has spouted inside my heart like a crippled seed yielding bitter fruit
  • No more! At his moment, my life has taken on new hope and assurance. Of all the world's population, I am one of the few possessors of the secret to dissipating anger and resentment
  • I now understand that forgiveness has value only when it is given away. By the simple act of granting forgiveness, I release the demons of the past about which I can do nothing, and I create in myself a new heart, a new beginning
  • I will greet this day with a forgiving spirit. I will forgive even those who do not ask for forgiveness
  • By the act of forgiving, I am no longer consumed by unproductive thoughts. I give up my bitterness. I am content in my soul and effective again with my fellowman
  • I will greet this day with a forgiving spirit. I will forgive those who criticize me unjustly
  • Knowing that slavery in any form is wrong, I also know that the person who lives a life according to the opinion of others is a slave
  • I know what is best for the future of my family, and neither misguided opinion nor unjust criticism will alter my course
  • Those who are critical of my goals and dreams simply do not understand the higher purpose to which I have been called. Therefore their scorn does not affect my attitude or action
  • I forgive their lack of vision, and I forge ahead. I now know that criticism is part of the price paid for leaping past mediocrity
  • I will greet this day with a forgiving spirit. I will forgive myself
  • Every mistake, every miscalculation, every stumble I made has been played again and again in my mind. Every broken promise, every day wasted, every goal not reached has compounded the disgust I feel for the lack of achievement in my life
  • My dismay has developed a paralyzing grip. When I disappoint myself, I respond with inaction and become more disappointed
  • I realize today that it is impossible to fight an enemy in my head. By forgiving myself, I erase doubts, fears, and frustration that have kept my past in the present
  • From this day forward, my history will cease to control my destiny. I have forgiven myself. My life has just begun
  • I will forgive even those who do not ask for forgiveness. I will forgive those who criticize me unjustly. I will forgive myself. I will greet this day with a forgiving spirit!

Monday, June 21, 2010

I choose to be Happy!

For those of us who are blessed to grow up in the U.S. and especially today, we have no idea what it was like when the Germans went around 'collecting' or killing the Jews. Can you imagine the persecution? David's next destination is to Amsterdam where he meets Anne Frank.

Fifth Decision for Success........Today I will choose to be happy
  • Beginning this very moment, I am a happy person, for I now truly understand the concept of happiness
  • I know now that happiness is not an emotional phantom floating in and out of my life. Happiness is a choice
  • Happiness is the end result of certain thoughts and activities, which actually bring about a chemical reaction in my body. This reaction results in a euphoria that, while elusive to some, is totally under my control
  • Today I will choose to be happy. I will greet each day with laughter
  • Within moments of awakening, I will laugh for seven seconds. Even after such a small period of time, excitement has begun to flow through my bloodstream
  • I feel different. I am different! I am enthusiastic about the day. I am alert to its possibilities. I am happy!
  • Laughter is an outward expression of enthusiasm, and I know that enthusiasm is the fuel that moves the world
  • People are drawn to me because I have laughter in my heart. The world belongs to the enthusiastic, for people will follow them anywhere!
  • Today I will choose to be happy. I will smile at every person I meet.
  • My smile has become my calling card. It is, after all the most potent weapon I possess
  • My smile has the strength to forge bonds, break ice and calm storms
  • I will always smile first. That particular display of a good attitude will tell others what I expect in return
  • My smile is the key to my emotional makeup. When I choose to smile, I become the master of my emotions
  • Discouragement, despair, frustration, and fear will always wither when confronted by my smile
  • The power of who I am is displayed when I smile
  • Today I choose to be happy. I am the possessor of a grateful spirit
  • In the past, I have found discouragement in particular situations until I compared the condition of my life to others less fortunate
  • Just as a fresh breeze cleans smoke from the air, so a grateful spirit removes the cloud of despair
  • It is impossible for the seeds of depression to take root in a thankful heart
  • My God has bestowed upon me many gifts, and for these I will remember to be grateful
  • Too many times I have offered up the prayers of a beggar, always asking for more and forgetting to give thanks
  • I am grateful for sight, sound and breath
  • I will greet each day with laughter. I will smile at every person I meet. I am the possessor of a grateful spirit. Today I will choose to be happy!!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

I know what I want

Can you imagine setting out on the ocean not really knowing where you're going? You just 'know' that you're going to find what you're looking for. That's what Christopher Columbus did. He was looking for a passage way to Asia and decided to go west to get to the east. No passage was found but he did discover many islands and indigenous people. This is the fourth person David meets on his journey.

The Fourth Decision for Success is............I have a decided heart
  • "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Knowing this is true, I am taking my first step today. For too long my feet have been tentative, shuffling left and right, more backward than forward as my heart gauged the direction of the wind
  • Criticism, condemnation, and compliant are creatures of the wind. They come and go on the wasted breath of lesser beings and have no power over me
  • The power to control direction belongs to me and today I will begin to exercise that power
  • My course has been charted and my destiny is assured
  • I have a decided heart. I am passionate about my vision for the future
  • I will awaken every morning with an excitement about the new day and its opportunity for growth and change
  • My thoughts and actions will work in a forward motion, never sliding into the dark forest of doubt or the muddy quicksand of self-pity
  • I will freely give my vision for the future to others, and as they see the belief in my eyes, they will follow me
  • I will lay my head on my pillow at night happily exhausted, knowing that I have done everything within my power to move the mountains in my path
  • As I sleep, the same dream that dominates my waking hours will be with me in the dark
  • Yes, I have a dream. It is a great dream, and I will never apologize for it. Neither will I let go, for if I did, my life would be finished
  • My hopes, my passions, my vision for the future are my very existence
  • I have a decided heart. I will not wait
  • What I put off until tomorrow, I will put off until the next day as well. I do not procrastinate
  • All my problems become smaller when I confront them
  • I will not wait. I am passionate about my vision for the future. My course has been charted. My destiny is assured. I have a decided heart.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

lights, camera, ACTION

Next we're off to Gettysburg and the Civil War where David meets Colonel Chamberlain. Just ten months ago he was a school teacher and now he's fighting for freedom for all.

Third Decision for Success: I am a person of action
  • Beginning today, I will create a new future by creating a new me
  • No longer will I dwell in a pit of despair, moaning over squandered time and lost opportunity. I can do nothing about the past. My future is immediate. I will grasp it in both hands and carry it with running feet
  • When I am faced with the choice of doing nothing or doing something, I will always choose to act. I seize this moment. I choose now
  • I am a person of action. I am energetic. I move quickly
  • The lifeblood rushing through my veins is urging me upward and forward into activity and accomplishment
  • Wealth and prosperity hide from the sluggard, but rich rewards come to the person who moves quickly
  • I am a person of action. I inspire others with my activity. I am a leader
  • Leading is doing. To lead, I must move forward
  • Many people move out of the way for a person on the run; others are caught up in his wake. My activity will create a wave of success for the people who follow
  • As a leader, I have the ability to encourage and inspire others to greatness
  • It is true: an army of sheep led by a lion would defeat an army of lions lead by a sheep!
  • I am a person of action. I can make a decision. I can make it now
  • A person who makes a decision neither left nor right is destined for mediocrity
  • When faced with a decision, many people say they are waiting on God. But I understand, in most cases, God is waiting for me!
  • He has given me a healthy mind to gather and sort information and the courage to come to a conclusion. I am not a quivering dog, indecisive and fearful
  • I am a person of action. I am daring. I am courageous
  • Fear no longer has a place in my life
  • I have exposed fear as a vapor, an impostor that never had any power over me in the first place
  • I do not fear opinion, gossip, or the idle chatter of monkeys, for all are the same to me
  • I do not fear failure, for in my life, failure is a myth
  • Failure exists only for the person who quits. I do not quit!
  • I am courageous. I am a leader. I seize this moment. I choose now. I am a person of action!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Seeking wisdom

David's first visit was to Amsterdam where he met President Harry Truman. After he read his 'letter' that Mr. Truman wrote him about the buck stops here, David travels to the middle east and meets King Solomon, the wisest man in the world. This is the advice Solomon gives David.

The Second Decision for Success: I will seek Wisdom
  • I will actively search out wisdom knowing that it waits to be gathered
  • My past can never be changed but I can change the future by changing my actions today
  • I will train my eyes and ears to read and listen to books and recordings that bring about positive changes in my personal relationships and a greater understanding of my fellowman
  • No longer will I bombard my mind with materials that feed my doubts and fears. I will read and listen only to what increases my belief in myself and my future
  • I will seek wisdom and choose my friends with care
  • From this moment forward, I will choose to associate with people whose lives and lifestyles I admire. If I associate with chickens, I will learn to scratch at the ground and squabble over crumbs. If I associate with eagles, I will learn to soar to great heights. I am an eagle. It is my destiny to fly!
  • I will listen to the counsel of wise men
  • When I counsel with just myself, I can make decisions only according to what I already know. By counseling with a wise man, I add his knowledge and experience to my own and dramatically increase my success.
  • I will be a servant to others
  • A wise man will cultivate a servant's spirit, for that particular attribute attracts people like no other
  • As I humbly serve others, their wisdom will be freely shared with me
  • Many times, a servant has the ear of the king, and a humble servant often becomes a king, for he is the popular choice of the people. He who serves the most grows the fastest
  • I will not look for someone to open my door-- I will look to open the door for someone. I will not be distressed when no one is available to help me--I will be excited when I am available to help
  • I will be a servant to others. I will listen to the counsel of wise men. I will choose my friends with care. I will seek wisdom.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

the buck stops here!

David Ponder has just lost his job with a fortune 500 company. He has lost everything he worked so hard to obtain; job/title, salary, company car, and now no severance. David is working for minimum wage and his wife is cleaning houses to pay the bills. But when his daughter gets sick he starts wondering if it would be better if he wasn't around anymore. He has life insurance.........

David ends up skidding on black ice and isn't sure he wants to survive the crash. His last words are "Why me?" Then the weirdest thing happens.......

This is the book I'm reading right now. The Traveler's Gift. David travels back into time and meets some of the wisest people who ever lived and receives seven secrets for success and a second chance to create a life worth living.

First decision for succes: The buck stops here
  • I will accept responsibility for my past. The beginning of wisdom is to accept the responsibilities for my own problems and that by accepting responsibility for my past, I will free myself to move into a bigger, brighter future of MY OWN choosing
  • If I allow myself to blame uncontrollable forces for my lack of success, I will be forever caught in a web of the past
  • I WILL look forward and I WILL not let my history control my destiny
  • I am where I am today-mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially because of my decisions I have made
  • My decisions have ALWAYS been governed by my thinking therefore I am where I am today because of how I think
  • We can begin the process of changing where we are by changing the way we think
  • My thoughts will be CONSTRUCTIVE never destructive
  • I will seek the association of those who are working and striving to bring about positive changes in the world
  • God did not put in me the ability to make the right decision every time BUT He did put in me the ability to make a decision and then make it right if need be
  • I control my thoughts. I control my emotions
  • In the future when I'm tempted to ask "Why me?" I will immediately counter with the answer "Why NOT me?"
  • Challenges are gifts, opportunities to learn
  • Adversity is preparation for greatness
  • I am responsible for my success

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Reason, Season or Lifetime

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.

When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that


When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need
you have expressed.

They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with
guidance and support,

To aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually.

They may seem like a godsend and they are.

They are there for the reason you need them to be.

Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time,

this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an

Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away.

Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.

What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire

fulfilled, their work is done.

The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.

Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has
come to share, grow or learn.

They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.

They may teach you something you have never done.

They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons,

things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional

Your job is to accept the lesson,

love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other

relationships and areas of your life.

It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Call

I'm not sure why this song "spoke" to me? The first time I heard it, I loved it and the singers voice is awesome. Take what you will from it and hopefully you'll enjoy it as much as I do.

Matt Kennon "The Call"

Today was gonna be the day
He´d already wrote the note
And parked that Chevrolet
At the end of that dead end road
Had his finger on the trigger; just about to end everything
He was taking one last long breathe; when he heard his cell phone ring

And his best friends say man where you been?
We´re headed down to the lake this weekend
You better not miss it ´cause buddy I swear
It won´t be the same If you aint there
And i told that girl that you like so much
You were coming along and her eyes lit up
I better let you go man i really hope i didnt catch you in the middle of anything
He said you kinda did but i don´t mind at all
I´m glad you called

In another town down the road
In the backseat of a car
Two 18 year olds had let a kiss go to far
He said how are we gonna have this child
When were both headed off to school?
He convinced her late one night there´s only one thing to do
She was scared to death in that waiting room
When the nurse asked how far along are you
She said 5 weeks and just about then her phone lit up
And his call came in
Saying baby i was wrong about everything
I´ve already bought you a diamond ring we´ re gonna start a life
Would you be my wife
Boy or girl; pink or blue; yeah either way
All she could say as she felt those tear drops falls was
I´m so glad you called

If someone you know is weighing on your mind
And needs a friend on the end of that other line
Don´t hesitate what you say may seem so small
But who knows
They might be glad you called

So make the call

Yeah make that call

Monday, June 14, 2010

Amazing Body

Have you ever thought about how amazing your body is and what it does? It is so intricate and works so well. I found some facts that I thought were interesting and maybe you will too=)

There are 2.5 trillion (give or take) of red blood cells in your body at any moment. To maintain this number, about two and a half million new ones need to be produced every second by your bone marrow.That's like a new population of the city of Toronto every second

Nerve Impulses travel at over 400 km/hr (25 mi/hr)

A sneeze generates a wind of 166 km/hr (100 mi/hr), and a cough moves out at 100 km/hr (60 mi/hr)

Our heart beats around 100,00 times every day

Our eyes can distinguish up to one million colour surfaces and take in more information than the largest telescope known to man

When we touch something, we send a message to our brain at 124 mph

We have copper,
zinc, cobalt, calcium, manganese, phosphates, nickel and silicon in our bodies

Your body contains enough iron to make a spike strong enough to hold your weight

The amount of carbon in the
human body is enough to fill about 9,000 'lead' pencils

The human body has less muscles in it than a caterpillar

If you could save all the times your eyes blink in one life time and use them all at once you would see blackness for 1.2 years

Capillaries are so small that it takes ten of them to equal the thickness of a human hair

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Now is perfect

So just a few moments ago I was thinking about my new sandals and how I didn't want them to get ruined too quickly. Well I think "I'll just wear them for "special" occasions, not all the time." How many of us have thought this? You hold on to "special" things until the time is right. It reminds me of the movie Home Alone 2 where Kevin is talking to the "bird woman." He mentions how he got new roller blades/skates for Christmas but never wore them because he didn't want to ruin them (something like that). Point is though by the time he did want to use them they were too small.

This isn't the first time I've had this thought. I've done it with perfumes/lotions also. I don't use them unless it is the perfect circumstance. My grandma had the "fine" dining silverware for the holidays but when she passed my mom got them. Smart woman that my mom is she used them for the everyday silver. You don't know what kind of time you have here or what will happen in life so lets stop holding off on things until the perfect time. Right now is the perfect time.

We have all used excuses like "I can't because I have to clean" or "Tomorrow I will but today the laundry needs to be done." There will come a day when tomorrow for you or someone else isn't here so lets embrace the day we have right in front of us. Isn't spending time with your daughter, father, friend more important than dusting? Relationships and people are so much more important than if your house is clean or the laundry is done. When you are with Jesus people won't say "Boy did she have a perfect house", they're going to say "Wow, she was always there for me and I could always talk to her."

One of the things that I love most about my husband is that when I start talking to him he stops what he's doing and gives me his undivided attention. I love this because he's showing me he cares and I feel like he's interested. I can certainly say I don't do this. I'm actually pretty bad at this. It's not that I don't want to listen, it's that I don't like to stop what I'm doing. I'm the kind of person that wants to finish something before I stop. There's no breaks for me but Nathan doesn't mind. Because of Nathan's acknowledgement though I try to do better. There's nothing worse than talking to someone who acts like he doesn't care. It makes you feel like you're unimportant or what you have to say isn't important.

Jesus is a super example. He was never too busy for anyone, ever. If he was on his way but someone stopped him, he'd help or talk. Jesus took the time for anyone that needed him and I think we ALL should be the same way.

Conclusion: don't save things for the perfect time, now is perfect; put relationships and people before chores;stop what you're doing and listen when someone is talking to you and be more like Jesus.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

"Quotes, Quotes, and Quotes"

You've got a lot of choices. If getting out of bed in the morning is a chore and you're not smiling on a regular basis, try another choice. ~Steven D. Woodhull

What saves a man is to take a step. Then another step. It is always the same step, but you have to take it. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Wind, Sand and Stars

Remember, if you’re headed in the wrong direction, God allows U-turns! ~Allison Gappa Bottke

If you don't like how things are, change it! You're not a tree. ~Jim Rohn

See everything; overlook a great deal; correct a little. ~Pope John XXIII

You can tell more about a person by what he says about others than you can by what others say about him. ~Leo Aikman

God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown

A day is Eternity's seed, and we are its Gardeners. ~Erika Harris,

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra. ~Jimmy Johnson

Don't look where you fall, but where you slipped. ~African Proverb

Friday, June 11, 2010

Run Your Own Race

Run your own race..........what does that mean? This is a short but easy idea.

Do you look around and compare yourself to others? Neighbors, friends, coworkers, strangers? Do you wonder why you aren't as successful or rich? Do you wonder why others get picked over you at work? Do you wonder why your friends are getting married and having kids before you are?

We all have a purpose here but our purpose isn't like anyone else's. I can't compare myself to a friend because what she was meant to do is not what I'm meant to do. We all have different thoughts and ideas and concerns. And this is good. If everyone in the world cared about dogs but not cats then who would take care of the cats? If everyone wanted to be doctors then who would be teachers or lawyers? We all need to be different to make this world go around. Our hearts are all different and we can't all be fulfilled by the same thing. Some like to cook, some like to garden and others like to read.

I have a bit of a problem with "running my own race." I tend to want to be the best at what I'm doing even if it's not what I want to be doing for the rest of my life. Or I compare myself to others wondering why I'm not where they are or as "successful." But then I remember that what "those" people are doing isn't what fulfills me or makes me happy. My life isn't going to go the same way their life is going or as fast or as slow. It's not a race and we're not competing. This is a personal thing.

To summarize then, running your own race means:
  • doing a job that makes you happy, not the one that you think you have to do to make someone else happy or to compete
  • marrying when you find the perfect one for you, not b/c all your friends are getting married
  • not buying a house in the city b/c that's the "in" thing to do but buying one in the country where you want to be
  • choosing the hobbies/clubs you are interested in not the ones your friends are doing
  • focusing on what fulfills you and completes you
  • buying the car your family needs not the same car as you neighbor
  • not keeping up w/the Joneses sums it up pretty well

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Do You Feel the Love?

As I was reading The Reason for God by Timothy Keller, I started to tear up. The author was talking about Jesus, God and the cross and how much God loves us.

The author wrote that the "Son of God was not created but took part in creation and has lived throughout all eternity 'in the bosom of the Father' (John 1:18) that is, in a relationship of absolute intimacy and love. But at the end of Jesus' life he was cut off from the Father. Jesus took our place as sinners and bore the endless exclusion from God. He experienced infinite separation from the Father."

Can you imagine what that would have been like. How would you feel if you were cut off from your spouse? Or child? Or how about your child being crucified?! Can you imagine the pain God went through? Now think about Jesus being separated from his Father where he was once in a relationship of absolute love and intimacy.

Mr. Keller goes on to say "Christianity claims that God became uniquely and fully human in Christ. Therefore he knows firsthand despair, rejection, loneliness, poverty, bereavement, torture and imprisonment. On the cross he went beyond even the worst human suffering and experienced cosmic rejection and pain that exceeds ours as infinitely as his knowledge and power exceeds ours. In his death, God suffers in love, identifying with the abandoned and god-forsaken." And for what reason? "The Bible says that Jesus came on a rescue mission for creation. He had to pay for our sins so that someday he can end evil and suffering without ending us. God takes our misery and suffering so seriously that he was willing to take it on himself!"

Do you feel the love? How can that not encourage you and uplift you? God knows exactly what we're going through and feeling. He's been there and understands. This isn't a God that sits back and watches. He wants to be involved in your life and loves you more than anyone loves you!

For those who don't know God, what do you have to lose by learning more?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"I do"

A friend on Facebook just got engaged last weekend which got me thinking about my wedding. (It just happened in November so it's still new) The proposal, the planning, finding the perfect dress and the excitement of starting your life with the one you love. I was so excited for her b/c I knew what lie ahead for her. Besides I think most girls get giddy about proposal stories and engagement rings anyway.

There's nothing better than finding that special someone. That someone that you can be yourself around and that knows you better than anyone. That someone who wants to give you the world and puts you first. You can tell that someone anything and he supports and encourages your dreams and he makes you a better person. It's a true blessing when you find your best friend.

When you pick the right someone it makes life so much better. You're no longer alone but sharing your life with the one who makes you complete. Marriage is awesome but the key is to choose the right person. Don't rush into it and make sure you're ready for it because it is work. You have to compromise and think of someone else. It is no longer "I" but "we and us." Don't worry if all your friends are getting married or you're getting closer to 30 (or whatever age you think you should be married by). It's much better to be single then be married and miserable. Don't get caught up in the "love" and the idea of marriage. It's a lot tougher than you think. Everyone deserves to be happy and with the one they truly love so don't settle for less.

I know how very lucky I am to have Nathan and I thank God for him every night! I'm so glad that I was picky and never settled for less than what I wanted or deserved.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Is it worth it?

A while back I was talking with a guest and he asked what Nathan and I would do after we got married. I told him that Nathan wanted to fly helicopters and we'd be looking for schools. The guest mentioned how expensive it would be and I said it wouldn't be any different than Nathan going to college. Spending that money and making him happy is better than him doing something he hated and coming home miserable everyday. If he comes home miserable then my life would be miserable. What happens in your professional life effects your personal life. I would hate for Nathan to do something he hated for 30-40 years and I wouldn't wish that on anyone, especially my husband.

The member seemed a little amazed that I didn't care about money and material things but only Nathan being happy. I want to do well in life but not at the expense of either of us being unhappy. The guest I was speaking with has a lot of money but in my opinion it has come at a cost. He is traveling and working more than he is home with his family. His kids have only known this kind of lifestyle. There's many advantages to growing up with money but at the same time there is a lot lost. The parents need to make sure they educate their children and show them that life isn't easy and they'll need to work hard.

Since that conversation Nathan has decided not to pursue helicopters. My dream for him is that he finds his passion and does it. I want Nathan to do nothing less than what brings him happiness and joy. Life is way too short to be miserable even if that job does bring wealth or prestige or nice cars and fancy houses.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Four legged joy

S-K-E-E-T-E-R. That's my 5 lb black pomeranian. Who drives me crazy but also brings me lots of joy and happiness. He was the runt of the litter and only black one. Then there's Casey and Kenzie who are also poms and just as wonderful.

For those of you who have pets you know there's nothing better. They love you unconditionally and never stay angry at you. I can't help but smile when I look at them. They're so cute and have such unique personalities. I'm sure this is the way parents feel about their kids. I'm not to that stage in my life so my black baby is what fills me with joy.

Pets are one of the little things that makes life so great. They're great company when you're lonely. They keep you active since you need to feed them and walk them. They always have a smile and a wagging tail for you. Can it get any better???

I was trying to figure out what to write tonight and one look at the three babies sleeping on my bed told me. Why don't you look around and see what brings you joy? And for those of you with a loving pet why don't you give them a big hug and a treat!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Who are we really?

Today in church one "concept" really got me thinking. Our pastor said that when things go wrong we show our true colors. The example he gave was when someone cuts us off driving and we stick our head out the window and start yelling or throwing a certain finger up. Can you think of anyone that you thought was so great but once something went wrong, he fell apart? It's easy to be happy and joyful when life is good but how do you handle problems? It's easy to "put on a show" when life is going your way but it's not as easy when you're not happy.

It's always easy to give advice on how someone should act in a certain situation until you are in that situation. Then it's different and harder. Will you stay faithful to your husband when problems arise and you're fighting? Will you love your child when she starts rebelling? When problems arise at work will you take it out on your family? Will you stick around when your wife gets cancer? If a project at work isn't going well will you stay positive and helpful or get negative and accusing? If you come into money will you be the same person or too good for all your "old" friends?

Life isn't easy all the time so we need to learn to roll with the punches when things do get difficult. When the pressure is turned up everyone's true nature comes out eventually. Are you happy with yours? I know there's areas I'd like to improve upon. How do you deal with stress? Disappointment? Sadness? I want people to know that what they see is what they get. I'm not hiding anything and I'm the same person behind close doors as I am outside closed doors.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

happy birthday to meeee

June 5th, 1982 was the day I graced everyone with my presence. LoL Which means today is my 28th birthday! Almost 30........I have had 2 fantastic days filled with fabulous people, good food, yummy drinks, super presents and lots of love. I'm sorry it'll end too quickly. (Only 4 hrs left)

My sister has gone above and beyond to make my day very special. Last night we went to dinner at the Beer Barrel b/c her boyfriend wanted to treat me to dinner (very thoughtful) and what do you know......there's a whole table of friends waiting for me. Today Kristen treated me to Texas Roadhouse for lunch and once again I was surprised with more fantastic company. I have been surrounded by people who love me and care about me and I couldn't ask for a better birthday. The fact that these people took the time to celebrate with me is astonishing. Not b/c I'm hard to like but b/c they took the time out of their busy lives to be with me. One friend even drove 50 minutes just to have lunch!

I would like to think that I received this much love b/c I have given the same amount. I reap what I sow. When you are caring and giving you will be rewarded for it. When you go the extra mile for someone, they will return the favor. When you forgive you will be forgiven and so on. I think everyone wants to be thought of on their birthday so when people show that they did it warms your heart.

So my point today? First off I'm very thankful for my family and friends and their love. My birthday wouldn't have been as special without them. I don't know if I would have received what I did with a bad attitude and not sharing my love. And secondly, don't forget to remember these special days. Birthdays are the only days when it's all about you and you can celebrate you. We all like the attention once in awhile.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Book of Dreams

We all have dreams and goals we want to accomplish. But what can we do that will encourage us to go after them? Or help us pursue them? Well here's my idea.......a Book of Dreams.

A Book of Dreams is everything you want in life and shows where you want to be. Its purpose is so you never lose sight of your goal/dream or give up. It is comprised of pictures and paintings and drawings. I want a nice big, cozy cabin that will hold family and friends anytime we need to. So I would put pictures of cabins that I like in my Book of Dreams. I also love dogs and would love to be a home to homeless dogs or unloved dogs. Traveling is one of my very favorite things to do. I want to go ALL over the world. Anything that I want in my life would go in my Book of Dreams. This way when I have a bad day, I can look through my book and remember why I'm working so hard and sacrificing. I can remember why I'm living in a small apartment or not eating out. I can remember why I went back to school or started exercising or took that bad paying job just for experience.

Your book can be about losing weight, going back to school, having children, shopping, cooking; any dream or goal you want to accomplish. Go through magazines and tear out pages, print stuff off the internet or if you're an artist, draw and paint in it. It's your book, do whatever you want. This book can also be a way of showing you who you are. What are you about?

Has anyone heard of getting a "capstone" to be reminded of your dream? Example would be getting a brick and every time you look at it, it reminded you of building that dream house. Well your Book of Dreams is a capstone. This is a way of reminding you of your dream(s) and that it will be completed and you will see it fulfilled.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Gratitude Realized

No matter where you are in life, you have a lot to be thankful for. If you wake up in a comfy bed with
a roof over your head and can take a hot shower before you go to work, then you are blessed. If
you have clothes to wear and food to eat and a car to drive you are fortunate. If you have family and
friends and pets you are lucky. There are many, many people with much less. So on days when
you're down look around you and see how blessed you really are. Think of your daily/weekly/monthly
pleasures such as:
  1. hot baths and long hot showers
  2. fires on a cold winter night
  3. candles
  4. curling up w/a cozy blanket and watching a movie
  5. walking, running and jumping
  6. books and reading
  7. internet
  8. taking pictures
  9. toys and games and activities to do
  10. shopping
  11. driving with the windows down on the first spring day
  12. watching OSU football
  13. massages
  14. laughing til you cry
  15. sunrises
  16. holidays
  17. lazy Sundays
  18. sleeping in
  19. grilling out
  20. hugs
Of course there is much, much more. My point is though don't take for granted what is right in front
of you. Be glad you can hear music and watch tv and smell that wonderful dinner. Be glad you can
walk around the grocery store and run from a dog chasing you. Be glad that your parents want to
hug you and show they care. Be glad that you can complain about your job b/c at least you're
working and paying the bills.

Gratitude is what keeps our heart open. Open to love. Open to give. Open to compassion. Open to

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Making a difference

I had this thought come to me and I thought I'd share it.............With the economy so bad, what can an individual (or group) do to help, to make things better, to give hope, to take away stress, to lesson burdens and to show the good in this world? How can the everyday person be an inspiration?

I'm not a fan of conflict, fighting, or arguments. I don't like purposely trying to make someone else's life difficult. I don't like teasing or harassing. I strongly dislike bullies. I don't understand why an individual or group needs to put someone down to make themselves feel good? This world is already tough enough w/out all the added burdens "we" cause. My goal is to help people, encourage them, inspire them and support them. I don't want to see homeless people, high school dropouts, addicts, or bullies. I want to see artists, teachers, accountants, mothers, actors, activists, and so on. I want to see that people have a roof over their head and food on the table and running water and clothes to wear.

There are so many things we can do to help others. Big and small. Examples:
  • work at a soup kitchen
  • be a mentor
  • volunteer at a place of your interest
  • teach children a sport you enjoy
  • Big Brother/Big Sister
  • sending gifts/cards to soldiers
  • adopting pets
  • buy someone lunch
  • donate to charities
  • tell someone how much you appreciate them
  • cook someone dinner/meal
  • invite a new neighbor over
  • bake cookies for anyone-neighbor, work, kids class, church
  • be a pen-pal
  • decorate someone's house for holidays-wrap Christmas presents
  • just listen
  • babysit for free
It only takes one good deed to make a difference in someone's life! The more good you do the more it will come back to you. You never know when that "deed" will come back and reward you or how big it will. Giving is a spiritual principle and if you give unselfishly, then it is going to be given back. Giving can be money, our time, our energy or our talent.

To keep with the same theme another question popped to mind.....What would the world be like if every person would find a way to do good every single day? What would our cities be like? Our offices? Our schools?

John Bunyan "The Pilgrim's Progress"
"You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who cannot pay you back."