Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Have you ever looked back and wondered “What in the world was I thinking?” or “Why in the world did I do this or say that?” I have done this for sure. Some times I think “Why was I so stupid?”  Other times I didn’t mean to make a mistake, I just did. No matter how I made a mistake though, I hate it. It will keep replaying in my mind over and over and I have to purposely stop thinking about it because otherwise it will run rampant. I am a people pleaser and sometimes a perfectionist so it is hard for me when I get in trouble or disappoint someone or don’t do something right.
Pepino Iracundo
Making mistakes in life is going to happen because we’re human and not perfect (even though I will say I am). The way we handle our mistakes will determine how it affects our life. We can decide to learn from it and/or try to correct it or we can let it control our lives. Sometimes we may need to say we’re sorry, which is not easy at all. NO one wants to admit they were wrong. That takes humility and not all of us have it. That is not usually a trait anyone wants. For us Christians though, that is definitely something we need to work on.
Sin título | Flickr: Intercambio de fotos
Mistakes will direct your life and teach you if you let them. What you end up being is a result of mistakes (plus other things). You wouldn’t be who you are without them and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. By making mistakes you can teach others not to do the same thing. You will be proof of what can happen. The one thing you can’t do is to hold on to those mistakes. You may need to remember them to not do it again BUT that doesn’t mean you let it direct your life. You have to let it go.
lesprit des rêves
We also need to remember that EVERYONE makes mistakes which means we will need to forgive, just like others have forgiven us. 

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