Sunday, January 30, 2011


Tonight I met with a small group of people from church to cultivate and grow friendships and to learn about God in an interactive way. One of the things we did was either give our testimony or mention something that God has done for us lately. The people I met with I have known for about 7-8 months now but not necessarily in a personal way. So listening to everyone tonight was in a way an eye opener.
I’ve mentioned before that we should give people the benefit of the doubt because we never know what they are going through and listening to everyone tonight was another reminder of that. One lady has been suffering from headaches and pain for some time now and I had no clue. This pain is horrible for her and she doesn’t know when it will hit her. I have never had any bad interaction with her and she is always so nice but now imagine if she had been maybe a little rude or standoffish who knows what I would have thought? (I’d like to think I’d give her the benefit of the doubt) Pain can cause us to act in ways we usually don’t and if I didn’t know she was in pain I could come up with some wild ideas why she acted the way she did when really she was just in pain and it had nothing to do with me personally.
The other thing we talked about was not “judging a book by its cover.” Meaning don’t look at someone and think they are rich or poor by the clothes they wear or the car they drive because it can be deceiving. Plus you never know when you’re entertaining an angel!
Just some things to keep in the back of your mind=)

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