Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Two Wrongs

One of my tables tonight at work didn’t quite go so well and it wasn’t my doing but unfortunately my tip suffers because of it. From the minute the people came in the wife wasn’t very happy, they ordered the wrong appetizer and then they wanted extra sauce on their pizza but it was too much sauce. The guy gives me twenty two dollars on a twenty one and six cent check and I just bring the dollar back. I wasn’t worried about the six cents and my tip ends up being that dollar. This happens more than I would like but its part of the job so I just look at it as its more money than I came in with.
After the table left one of my other tables asked me if “that table” just left me a dollar. I said yes unfortunately and that the table next to them left me two dollars on thirty five but that’s part of the job, it happens. That couple ended up leaving me fifteen on thirty five! =)
We are all going to run into people that don’t treat us well and for the most part it’s nothing personal. It is there own issue. And then you’ll have someone come along that makes up for those mean ones. That couples act of kindness and caring warms my heart and made the night much better. I couldn’t control what happened to me or I should say my tip but I can control how I reacted to it. And yes a part of me wants to be mad but really is it going to help me? Is it going to make my life better or get me a bigger tip?
Last night I had a guy who was…I’m trying to think how to explain him…grumpy, demanding, and dominant, I think those explain him. He just irritated me and if I would have let him, he would have put me in a bad mood and again this wasn’t against me personally. This was just his personality. I’m sure we all know people like this or similar. When I was younger I would let other people’s attitudes or personalities affect my moods but I’ve learned to take a step back and realize this is just how the person is with anyone. I still keep my smile and happy attitude. For whatever reason yesterday was my day for grumpy people. I went into Pat’s Donuts and Cream and the lady there was rude and not friendly at all. Again I kept my smile.
We have to make sure we aren’t reflecting back to them what they are reflecting toward us. Two bad attitudes don’t make a right attitude. And we can possibly change their attitude by being nice or kind to them. Love always wins over hurtful words or attitudes.

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