Thursday, February 24, 2011

Don't make plans......

I have to laugh when it comes to the plans I have or want and then what actually happens. I'm sure God is up there shaking his head asking himself if I will ever learn. 

When Nathan and I left Florida I was set on getting out of the restaurant business. I was done. No more. Ha....Ha! It took me four months to find a job and then guess was a serving job. Ugh...okay. It's a job and I need one desperately. 

I was very fortunate to find a job with a thriving restaurant that had great managers, coworkers and customers. I worked hard and got the hours I needed and made the money I wanted/needed. It was not my dream job but no complaints from this lady. I try everyday to be thankful for the things I do have, not the things I don't. This job paid my bills with extra left over and Nathan and I could afford our own place (We were living with my parents until we had decided what we were doing...i.e. staying in Lima or moving). 

This is kind of a two part story. When I first moved home I was struggling physically, emotionally and mentally. I was stuck and didn't know where my life was going. I was happily married but I had no goals or dreams. I didn't know what the next step was. Slowly over time though life started moving forward for me. I found a church I loved with awesome people and two bible studies which all helped renew me spiritually and I desperately needed it. Then after months of applying and getting no call backs I found a job and it was at the same restaurant as my husband so no car dilemmas (since we only have one). Yay! Things are moving in the right direction......and then when it was time for us to find our own place, guess what a duplex is opening up right next to my sister! It was perfect for us. We couldn't be happier and it was right between work and my parents. Everything and I mean everything fell right into place.....but all in its due time. Thank You Jesus!

Part II now....when I interviewed I told them I was interested in management and moving up. I've always been one that likes responsibilities and challenges and this was also a reason I left Useppa-no room for advancement. 

As of lately I've been aggravated with the bad tips I have been getting after I run my butt off and give the best customer service I know how. I started thinking about looking for something else and questioning if I was meant to stay where I was. I'm not a patient person and I didn't know if I'd be moving up soon or not. HA! Don't you know it, as soon as I start questioning things, everything switches on me real quick!

We had a manager leave last weekend and I was asked if I was still interested in moving into management. Yes, Please! But oh wow. I go from serving this week to a full-time manager next week!!!! A little crazy and unnerving. I know I have everything I need to become a great manager but talk about change and pressure. God totally threw me a curve ball. I'm hard on myself and I want to make everyone happy and do a good job so to say I'm a tad overwhelmed is an understatement. But so far God has led me every step of the way since I've moved and really before I moved so I know this is just the next step on the journey to my destination, whatever that may be. 

God is sooooooooo good and faithful! 


  1. What great news! Good luck with the new position!

    Such Go[o]d timing :)

  2. Thank You! I love the "go<0>d timing" thing!
