Friday, February 4, 2011

Celebrating 30

My amazing, wonderful. loving best friend also known as my husband turns 30 tomorrow! I am so ready to celebrate this milestone in his life. I thank God every day for blessing me with such a superb man. Yes he does drive me crazy and we disagree on quite a few things but that's okay. Marriage isn't about finding another "you" but instead your better half. The half that makes you complete. The half that makes you a better person and the half that helps you see the world a little differently and helps you grow and learn.
I'm so glad I never settled and waited for the right one. We'll have struggles and we'll argue but I found the person that I'm willing to compromise with, the one that I'm willing to sacrifice for. Nathan has always loved me for me and saw me as the person I am. There's no hiding who we are. Our interests couldn't be more different but I'm happy about that. I learn more because of it.
If you're still looking for Mr or Mrs Right, be patient and don't settle. I'd much rather wait and find the right one then marry the wrong one right now. Marrriage isn't easy and it is work so doing it with the wrong one will just make it even more difficult. Enjoy being single and independent. Enjoy your time alone and your freedom. The wait is so worth it when you find the right one. The one that makes you laugh and smile and love like you've never loved before. I was never in a hurry, I just happened to find the right one when I wasn't looking. But I also gave it to God. I prayed that he would help me find the right one when the time was right. (I was tired of wasting my time on the wrong ones.) I couldn't be more happier with the one He chose for me=)

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