Sunday, June 6, 2010

Who are we really?

Today in church one "concept" really got me thinking. Our pastor said that when things go wrong we show our true colors. The example he gave was when someone cuts us off driving and we stick our head out the window and start yelling or throwing a certain finger up. Can you think of anyone that you thought was so great but once something went wrong, he fell apart? It's easy to be happy and joyful when life is good but how do you handle problems? It's easy to "put on a show" when life is going your way but it's not as easy when you're not happy.

It's always easy to give advice on how someone should act in a certain situation until you are in that situation. Then it's different and harder. Will you stay faithful to your husband when problems arise and you're fighting? Will you love your child when she starts rebelling? When problems arise at work will you take it out on your family? Will you stick around when your wife gets cancer? If a project at work isn't going well will you stay positive and helpful or get negative and accusing? If you come into money will you be the same person or too good for all your "old" friends?

Life isn't easy all the time so we need to learn to roll with the punches when things do get difficult. When the pressure is turned up everyone's true nature comes out eventually. Are you happy with yours? I know there's areas I'd like to improve upon. How do you deal with stress? Disappointment? Sadness? I want people to know that what they see is what they get. I'm not hiding anything and I'm the same person behind close doors as I am outside closed doors.

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