Friday, June 25, 2010


She's Out of my League, Eclipse, Shrek, Sex and the City, Ironman 2, Grown Ups, Toy Story 3...........

One of my most favorite things to do is going to the movies. We all have our indulgences and this is mine. I don't really like the $10/ticket thing BUT I do love escaping my world for two hours, into someone else's. When I'm in the dark movie theater all I focus on is the screen in front of me. There are no worries or concerns. I totally forget where I am and what is going on in my life. It's the most peaceful place for me.

Some people escape through books or cooking or exercising. We all have "our thing." I like to write about uplifting and positive things and the joys of life. And well movies are one of my joys. So today think about what brings you joy and happiness. What is your indulgence? And then give thanks for it!

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