Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I never found my passion until recently, well at least I think I've found my passion. I've always wanted to be passionate about something like other people are but it just never came. Seriously, I have been searching for like six years, knowing I was missing something. I believe that passion is now helping those in poverty in Africa. My heart can't help to break when I see the conditions these people live in and there's no help for them in their own country! It's not right for these people to live these lives when I live in luxury here. I'm no better than them, I don't deserve more. 

This has been hard for me lately because I am very passionate about helping the people in Africa and I want to inspire and motivate other people to help also but without offending them or stepping on toes. My view is totally different than other people and I don't want my view to scare people or overwhelm them or totally put them off. My view is that we are way more blessed than we maybe need to be. We don't need to spend money the way we do and I don't think just because you work hard that means you can spend it all on yourself. I don't think we need all the latest fashions and a huge house and expensive cars. I'm certainly not perfect in the way I spend my money, I need help to but I'm trying to be much more cautious and aware of how I spend my money. I'm trying to change my life and be a better steward of God's money. Yes, I believe that it's God's money, not mine. He has entrusted me with it to spend wisely and responsibly. 

The one thing I learned tonight though is just because I'm scared I may "offend" or "hurt feelings" I still need to show my passion. I was talking with a friend about it tonight and when I get going, I can get very intense and excited. I guess that would be called "passion." ;-) The thing was though, I didn't overwhelm her or scare her off; I got her excited and got her thinking about it. She wanted to help and agreed with me that we should help, it wasn't a choice. I just need to get over my fear and push on. Yes, there's ways I should approach it but I can still show my passion without upsetting other people and get them excited. 

For me this is so much bigger than me and it excites me and makes life worth living. I encourage everyone to find the same for yourself because it is so worth it! When you get out of your bubble, life changes for the better. God made all of us with gifts and talents and passions for certain things, find them and I promise you life won't be the same and it will be more than you ever expected!

November 23rd~ I am so very thankful for supportive friends and family. 

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