Saturday, May 21, 2011

Not the End

This question was on KLove's website and what a perfect day to talk about it........
Question: "Is the end of the world really coming?" - Marie, NM
Answer: On the hearts of many people are the billboards and flyers people see with words that read something like this, "Jesus is coming on May21st." This campaign has raised a lot of questions. This is the one thing I do know; The time of the Second Coming is unknown. In fact, Jesus stated that only the Father knew the time. He told His disciples on the day He ascended: "It is not for you to know times or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority." (Acts 1:8, NASB) We are told in Luke 19 to, "Occupy till I come." Can you imagine if all of the energy we have spent trying to figure out when he is coming back was instead focused on getting the message of Christ's love to our world; just what kind of world that would be! Occupy means to live, to work, and to be a part of the community helping make it a better place. We have a great message of hope; share it with your neighbour and friend. My hope is we will focus on beginnings not endings in people lives and see just what the Lord will do.
What a thought.....instead of worrying when Jesus will be coming back, how about we spread the message of God's mercy and love and grace! Why can't we just trust God enough NOT to WORRY. Why do we need to know everything? I know some don't like the idea of the unknown but when it comes to God, we have nothing to worry about. So much time, money and energy has been wasted by every group that thinks the end is coming. There could have been an amazing impact on this world if all that time, energy and money had been used for God's Kingdom instead of freaking everyone out about the end of the world. 
From here on out, lets trust God and His Word and not worry. Lets spread the Good News of the Gospel and change people's lives instead of spreading lies and causing chaos. 

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