Friday, May 13, 2011

Grateful for the U.S.

I think I've mentioned before I'm currently reading Half the Sky. The book talks about oppression of women around the world. As a U.S. woman it can be hard to read. We have so many rights here that we take for granted.

In other countries women are denied medical care, die in childbirth, are accused of cheating without any proof and then either beaten or killed, left to die by starvation or eaten by wild animals (old women are taken outside the village to die!), don't have free speech, have to cover all parts of body, are not educated, are forced into marriages (as young as 12!), kidnapped or sold to brothels (some by family members!), are treated as less than human and sons have power over moms and sisters--just to name a few things.

As a women living in the U.S. I can go to a doctor or hospital anytime I need to, I graduated from H.S. and went on to get a Bachelor's Degree, can wear whatever I want, picked my own husband and married when I wanted to, can say and do whatever I want without family members or a husband threatening to beat me or kill me, would not be stoned to death if I cheated, have plenty of food to eat, and I can buy by own house if I so desire.

We have so much freedom here and are treated as equals. I know this isn't the happiest thing to talk about but to know good we need to know bad. By knowing how unfairly others are treated, we can be more grateful for our blessings and the life we live. Our burdens, concerns, problems can seem minimal compared to what others are facing in other parts of the world.

Reading the devastating stories of these women and seeing them triumph over the bad is inspiring and moving. It puts things into perspective.

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