Friday, April 1, 2011

Notes Jotted Down

Okay we'll I'm going to be honest....I got caught up on some other blogs (Rage against the Minivan-Highly Recommend! Awesome blog) and now I have to hurry up and get ready for work, ugh. Which means I don't have the time I should and need to invest in todays post...oops.

As I said yesterday I'm currently reading Timothy Keller's book Generous Justice; How God's Grace Makes Us Just. Here are some notes I jotted down.
~An encounter with grace inevitably leads to a life of justice
~Jesus taught that a lack of concern for the poor is not a minor lapse, but reveals that something is seriously wrong with one's spiritual-compass, the heart
~Joel Green, Biblical Scholar "The disposition of one's possessions signifies the disposition of one's heart"
~The purification of the heart through grace and love for the poor are of a piece; they go together in the theology of Jesus
~Acts 20:35 "It is more blessed to give than to receive"
~Do you meet the needs of your neighbor with all the joy, energy and fastidiousness with which you meet your own needs? THAT is the kind of life you owe you God and your fellow human beings

Check out these scriptures. I will hopefully be talking about them soon in one way or another.
Luke 7:36
John 4:27
Mark 1:41 and Luke 5:13
1 John 3:16-17

Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend! I will be working =)

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