Friday, April 29, 2011

One Matters

Does anyone else get overwhelmed with the magnitude of need there is, in our world? I want to help EVERYONE but that's just not possible. Ugh. I'm currently reading Half the Sky by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. The back of the books says "here is a passionate call to arms against the oppression of women around the globe-'the central moral challenge' of our time. The most effective way to fight global poverty is to unleash the potential of women."

It can be very dishearting to walk into a brothel in Asia and see all the young girls there (I'm talking between 12-16. There's older too though)  and not be able to help many. The authors of Half the Sky did buy two girls from a brothel and helped the girls get back to their families. One girl had been gone for 5 years and the other 6 weeks. I'm sure Nick and Sheryl were ecstatic to help these two girls but at the same time wishing they could help more. When a need is so high it's easy to forget about each person individually. For the two girls they helped there are millions more who need help/rescued but Nick and Sheryl gave these two girls opportunities to gain their life back. To live a life of happiness and joy. Just because more girls weren't rescued doesn't mean that a difference wasn't made. Every little change helps and creates a ripple. But we need more people helping.

It can be very discouraging when you look at statistics. One advocate in India has helped and rescued many slaved women but she says for every 10 she helps 20 more go into it. But bring this close to home. What if someone you knew and loved had been kidnapped and put into a brothel. You wouldn't care if ONLY 10 or even 1 has been rescued as long as your family member/friend was rescued. I can easily get down about how many girls need help but then I have to look at it on an individual basis. That one life is special and means a lot. That one girl is special to her family and friends. That one rescue is giving many people happiness and joy. So we may not succeed on saving everyone but on an individual basis we are bringing happiness, joy, hope and a future to many.

While I was reading today and remembering that one person is worth saving and celebrating over it reminded me of the lost sheep parable in Luke 15.
-"Then Jesus told them this parable. Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts in on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says,'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.' I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent."

We are to be God's hand and feet here on Earth. He uses us to accomplish his goals. These women can't help themselves, they need us-all of us. As women we are so fortunate to live in America. We are blessed beyond belief. I am so thankful for that everyday.

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