Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Without YOU......

For anyone who has gone through a difficult time, you know that without friends and family support, encouragement and prayers that, that difficult time would have been much worse. 

A friend of mine is going through an extremely difficult time with one of her children. Her daughter has a rare disease that is taking her life away from her and there is no cure. For anyone facing these circumstances it would be devastating but it is especially hard when it's your child and she's only 4 or 5. I look at my healthy 4 yr old nephew and thank God he's healthy because I can't imagine him being sick. 

As of right now this isn't very uplifting news but the reason I'm writing about it is because at the end of the update on my friends daughter she put "Without all of you this journey would be intolerable." Can you imagine a time when you needed help and support and encouragement and because you received it, it made your life better, happier? What would have happened without it? What would have happened if those people weren't there for you?

Life is not easy and there is a lot of issues and the way we get through them is by those we surround ourselves with. Make sure that you're hanging out with people that will lift you up and support you and not bring you down. Make sure that you can trust them. Also make sure you return the favor. Any relationship is give and take and not keeping track. Some will just have more problems than you or maybe less. We weren't put on this earth to be selfish but to take care of each other. 

I'm so very thankful for the family and friends that I have. I don't have a huge number but quality is much more important than quantity. If you only have one good friend, it's better than ten bad friends. If you only have a mom or dad, it's better than two bad parents. You never know when that bad time will come so make sure you've set up a support system and that you're apart of one. 

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