Monday, March 28, 2011

Lessons and Maturity

Most of us want things that we don't need or aren't ready for. I am so for adoption and especially adoption in Africa where there are 140 million orphans. I am dying to adopt one BUT this is not the time in my life for children. I'm simply NOT ready and I know this. Nathan and I are still trying to figure life out and settle in, in Lima. Nathan is dying to buy a house and I understand this BUT again I'm not quite ready.....couple more months. Then the other day Nathan says he wants a car (we only have one, mine got hit last year-hit and run). I said okay but we aren't taking on a car payment with a mortgage payment. He wasn't thrilled I said this but we are finally on track financially and I don't want to take on more than we can handle. 

In my early twenties I spent money like I had it coming out of my ears. When I wanted something I bought it. Two tvs, okay. A new car with a higher payment, okay. I did not make wise decisions but luckily I learned for them. I see the importance of one credit card or no credit card. I see the importance of having your car paid off. I see the importance of waiting until you have the money to buy what you want. When you know that you don't "need" something and just want something or you know you need to wait, I think that is a sign of maturity. Or when you don't rush into something you're not ready for like a house payment or a car payment or having a child. For some newlyweds I think they may get caught up in the idea of marriage and family and not realize all that goes into it. I'm just thankful that I've learned from my mistakes and I know myself well enough to know when I'm not ready to do something even though I may want it badly or my spouse may. 


  1. You sound very smart. Some people never learn from their mistakes.

    About adoption though, you will never feel like there is enough money for that. But God will provide. I really thought that was just something that happened to other people. But God has been SO faithful to our family.

  2. So easy to sound smart then to act smart, eh? LoL but i'm trying=) I'm not worried about the money for adoption-I'm just not ready for children right now. I'm still too selfish. However I trust God will let me know when the time is right;-) Thanks for the comment! Hope you're having a super week!
