Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Core Values

~From Bob Gass Ministries Daily Devotional
We talk about our "core values." In an ever-changing world they're principles that should govern your life. They explain why you do the things you do, and what you stand for. They're not just business strategies, cultural norms or responses to market changes; they're non-negotiables that dictate how you live your life. John Blumberg says "I've yet to meet anyone who would say they didn't want to operate from a solid set of values. However, it's more challenging than it appears. In leadership workshops all over the world I've seen the stunning realization people face when they're given a blank sheet and challenged to write down their core values. My hope is you'll be challenged to investigate, indicate, and integrate your core values into the fabric of your life." The Bible says: "Be...doers of the world, and not hearers only." What you truly believe determines how you act and manifests itself in your daily routine. John Mason says that means: "Making yourself valuable to somebody today...tackling a problem bigger than yourself...getting to know God by reading His Word...helping someone who can't repay you...doing three things that take you out of your comfort thanks for your daily bread...leaving others a little better than you found them...not being afraid to ask for the best time of your day to God...doing today what you want to put off till tomorrow...remembering that the time and place to be happy is here and now...taking small steps to conquer a bad habit...and evaluating your actions not by the harvest they produce, but by the seeds you're sowing.

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