Sunday, March 13, 2011

Time & Distance Don't Matter

I don't know how I ended up with a best friend and a husband as different from me as possible. But somehow it works for us. Emily would go to bat for me in a second. Anything I need she'll be there. She is one of my best supporters and encouragers. I love her dearly. 

Now comes the funny part. In the last year year and a half or so we've talked less and seen each other less then ever before BUT we're still best buds. It's funny how you can not talk to someone for a couple weeks and then talk with each other like it was just yesterday. We live two hours apart so it's not always easy to get together so obviously our main communication is the phone. I hate talking on the phone. The older I get the less I like it. I avoid it at all costs. The awesome thing about our friendship though is that we don't need to talk to each other everyday or every week to keep our friendship on good terms. We don't get mad at the other when one of us doesn't call. When I was single I had a lot more to talk about but I'm married now and back in my hometown and there just isn't as much to talk about. I go to work, church and spend time with my husband, who I get along great with. There's no drama in my life hence no exciting phone calls to make anymore...LoL...However if I did need to talk she'd be right there to listen. 

I finally got to spend some quality time with Em tonight and it was awesome! It was like it is always between us. Easy and fun. My sister wrote about the need for friends the other day and this is a similar post but I guess my point not let time and distance get in the way of a friendship. You can still be best buds even when you don't talk or see each other everyday or every week. Our lives are busy (and kinda boring) and it can be hard but knowing that you have a friend waiting anytime you need her (or him) no matter if you haven't talked in awhile is pretty awesome. I am one of those people who can forget that time even escaped us. I can keep our friendship just the way it was. Can you?

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