Saturday, July 10, 2010

Expand your Horizons

I have been so fortunate to have traveled around the east side of the U.S. The fantastic places I've visited, the wonderful people I've met, has been so rewarding. I was just looking at recent pictures of Useppa Island Club posted on their Facebook page. Looking at those brought back so many wonderful memories and seeing all the people that brought such joy to my life, made me miss them so much. It's always hard to start the next chapter of your life because you're leaving behind something. I guess it's not always hard, sometimes the change is more than welcomed but this change was hard for me. To leave behind an island of people that I adored was really hard. It was never the job or the location that made me stay, it was the people.

Nathan and I chose to leave the island to move forward with life. I think we all know when it's time to move on but most people don't like change. It's scary and nerve wracking. We could have easily stayed there because it was comfortable but what kind of life is that?

I encourage everyone to travel, to see different places and meet different people. You learn so much about yourself and grow in ways you never expected. Get out of your box and experience life. Build relationships with people because they make life so much more enjoyable and fulfilling. Life isn't about acquiring things and being rich. Those things won't make you happy all the time or keep you company. One of the worst things that you can be in this life is lonely. We were not created to be by ourselves. Don't be afraid of change and moving on. You can never improve and better your life if you stay where you are forever.

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