Thursday, September 30, 2010

Keep At It

I was doing yoga today on my Wii and I do the same exercises everyday. Well the last three days that I've been doing it after a, I don't know, seven month break. And as I was doing each pose or exercise I started to notice how much more flexible I was than when I first started. I was improving and it was getting easier. You're probably thinking duh Kelli, that's suppose to happen but how many of us think that when we're trying to get ourselves motivated to exercise or do anything? I know that's not what I was thinking when I kept putting off exercising.

There was one pose in particular that caught my attention and how it was already affecting me and I was sooo excited. This was the motivation I needed to keep doing it. So my point tonight is, do something you're not really wanting to do and it will get easier as you keep doing it. Your hard work will pay off if you keep at it with persistence. The reward will be worth all that sweat, tears and suffering=)

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