Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Comfort in Prayers

This morning I get a text from my sister's boyfriend, Sian, saying that my nephew is really sick and they're taking him to the doctor. I received this text at 6:44 am so for some reason when Sian said doctor I assumed the E.R. because it was too early to go to a doctor. So right away I start worrying which leads me to prayer. In the middle of me praying multiple times (I'm too worried to just pray once, you know in case God didn't hear me the first time-LoL) I start thinking about what if there wasn't a God to pray to and you were on your own. What would you do? How could you have any hope? I started thinking that I would feel totally helpless. Have you ever thought about this? Think about a difficult time in your life like a sick family member or friend, or being in debt, or needing to find a job asap. Did you pray in those difficult times? Did it comfort you to know that God was there listening and would help you? 

I didn't realize until this morning what a comfort it is to pray to God and how much hope it gave me. I can't imagine not being able to turn to God for help and guidance. Can you imagine a world that is just here for no reason at all. No one cares about it, there's no life after you die. It's such a sad and depressing thought. Luckily though we do have eternal life after we die if we believe in Christ Jesus and we do have a God that cares about this Earth and the people on it. That gives me hope along with prayer. 

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