Friday, May 28, 2010

Why be Positive?

I have always been a positive, half-glass full kinda girl. I think it's just part of my DNA. It probably helps that my mom is the same way. You rarely see her w/out a smile and she says hello to everyone. However this world is filled with people who see the bad in everything and complain about their jobs, marriages, kids and their life in general. Some of these people were raised with parents that were always harsh on them, others have just had "life" happen to them and now they're bitter and I think some just choose to be grumpy for whatever reason.

I think being positive has been programed in me so it comes easily to me but for others it's hard to see the glass half-full rather than half-empty. It's all about perspective. The benefits of being positive far outweigh being negative though. Examples:
  • optimists do better than pessimists in work, school, and sports
  • they suffer less depression
  • achieve more goals
  • respond better to stress
  • wage more effective battles against disease
  • and even live longer
Research has shown that for every one negative comment you say to your child you have to say four positive comments to keep the balance. Conversations these days seem to be mostly negative, critical and gossipy. I admit I've done it. But I'm trying to do better. These kinds of "talk" spread like wildfire and once they spread you can't take it back. Once you start speaking in a "negative nature" it will just bring on more negative talk. This isn't productive or helpful.

I always get annoyed with people who complain about their situation or life but do nothing to change it. You are the only one that can make yourself happy. You are the only one that can change your attitude and by changing your attitude you can change your life. Attitude is a choice.

Some things to think about:
  • Is humanity prone to a negative mental attitude?
  • How do you feel when you are complimented?
  • How does your positive or negative attitude affect those around you?
  • How is your attitude affecting your life? Is it helping or hurting you?
Definition of pessimism: an inclination to take the least favorable view or to expect the worse
optimism: an inclination to anticipate the best possible outcome of actions or events

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