Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Do you forget like me how good God is? How he always comes through time after time? He has answered so many of my prayers and yet I still worry. I still wonder. Why do I do this? When I see him moving in my life I stand in awe and amazement like it’s the first time. The Israelites did this time and time again when Moses and of course God brought them out of Egypt. God preformed many miracles in Egypt, ten plagues and God supplied their every need and got them across the Red Sea but yet they complained and wanted to go back to Egypt. I’d like to think if I was in their situation I would have been grateful and aware of the power of God but who’s to say? Maybe I would have forgotten and worried like they did. I do it now at times.
We always need to REMEMBER what God has done in the past because he is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. It’s so easy to forget, not that we do it on purpose. But if and when we remember it helps to get through today and now. 

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