Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Do you have a goal in life? Do you know your purpose? Are you trying to reach something? Aim for something?

I’ve always had a feeling that there is more in this world for me, that I have a purpose but yet I haven’t been able to figure it out. So far nothing fulfills me and excites me to the extent that I’m looking for. I’ve had little glimpses of what I’m passionate about but still haven’t figured it all out. I’m so envious of those who know their goals and passions and purposes. The funny thing is, I’ve always wanted more and yet can’t find it or reach it. You know how some people just float around not knowing what they want or where they want to be. They don’t worry about it too much. Well in a sense that is me but I CARE! I don’t know and sometimes I feel like I’m floating from here to there.
Welcome to Hell
 I don’t have any doubts that where I’ve been is the way it’s suppose to be and eventually God will lead me to my path and I guess I’m following the path now but I’m not where I want to be ON the path. The reason I bring this up is because (in my opinion) if you don’t have any purpose or goal in life, what is the point of living? I don’t think I’m here to go to school, get a job, get married, have kids and just live. There has to be more to life, more fulfillments. For me I don’t see how floating around or just living brings about any joy or happiness. I think we were put on this earth to fulfill a purpose and without it we won’t be satisfied in a sense. I know something is missing in me or for me and I’m still trying to figure it out. Patience is not a strong trait of mine. 

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