When I read this I just fell in love with it. Since I can remember I've always believed that no one should settle in any part of his life and this quote goes perfectly with that idea. I'm the first one to admit I love vacations and traveling. Heck I even went to school for travel and hospitality. But why can't we set up "home lives" that we enjoy and love?
Vacations are just little escapes from the real world. They don't fix problems and they don't make your problems go away. Whatever you left will still be there when you get back. The job you don't like, the debt you have mounting up, the unhappy marriage. I see so many people who aren't happy with their life and they just live with it because it's "easier" than trying to change it. Sometimes we have to make tough decisions to be happier in the long run. Sometimes we have to face things we don't want to, to make our life more enjoyable later.
I know how scary change can be. New jobs, new relationships, moving. But isn't it worth it if it means more joy and happiness in your life? If you don't like what you're doing, go back to school. It's never too late to be trained in something else. If a friend's attitude is bringing you down, stop hanging out with her. If you're fighting with your child or spouse, seek counseling. If debt is adding up, get a second job and watch what you're spending. There is always a solution or a positive step to take. And of course there is always God and praying. (Which I highly recommend)
The thing to remember is that nothing can change unless you initiate change and take that first step. You are the only one that can change your life and make you happy. I'm all for vacations but why don't we make our day to day lives happy first so we don't need to "escape" from them.
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