Monday, May 23, 2011

Alone time, Yay!

In a couple of hours my husband will be leaving for almost 3 days to visit his mama up in Wisconsin. I'm totally stoked he gets to see her since we haven't seen her since October. And I'm totally stoked for some alone time=) However I will be missing Nathan times. Mainly when it's time to feed me (since I don't cook-it'll be interesting to see what I end up eating) and when it's time for bed; I get freaked out at night, my mind runs wild-not good. 

Does anyone else cherish their alone time? As a gemini I have the split personality (but not in a bad way). There are times when I just like to be alone. I clean better and I get more done and I can have MY music blaring. I just don't work well when others are around. Is anyone else this way? 

So some plans while Nathan is gone......haircut, cleaning, organizing, rearranging (just don't tell my hubby) and seeing how much stuff I have to sell. Thinking about having a garage sale. Also hope to get some reading and journaling in, well actually more than some. However, I seem to have an issue managing my time well though and I don't seem to get as much accomplished as I would like. Oh and I have a problem getting out of bed in the morning. That can hurt you as well. 

All in all my next 3 days are looking awesome and full. On top of all my plans I also have to work all 3 days, so it's even more important I manage my time well. How's everyone else's week looking?


  1. I can totally relate!
    I haven't had this kind of alone time away from my husband yet and I know I will totally freak out, but we need it, don't we?

    I can especially relate to the "MY music blaring".
    All the way, sister.

    Every once in a while I need one of those days alone in the house with some loud music and the freedom of being alone to dance like a maniac and do some good cleaning. ;)

  2. Glad I'm not alone, Drea! LoL
