As I mentioned before I grew up believing in God but never "practiced" it you could say. It's just been in the last three years that I really got involved by reading the bible, going to church and attending bible studies. I never knew what baptism really was until recently. What I have learned is that it's a public statement showing that you believe and accept Jesus Christ as your Savior. Also me being immersed in water identifies me with Jesus, his death, burial and resurrection. When I went under the water my old nature "died" and was buried and I came up a new person, reborn. Sounds pretty good to me.
I can truly say with 100% confidence that I am a much better person because I have Jesus as my Savior. I am a better wife, daughter, sister, friend, employee because of Him. I don't judge as much as I used to, I gossip or talk about people a lot less, I keep secrets, I mind my own business, I have more tolerance and understanding for people and I talk with less sarcasm. I really try to be the bigger person and keep peace. I don't always succeed but I'm in a much better position than I was before. Being baptized was the next step in my journey with God and becoming more like Jesus everyday.
Yay! That's so great to hear, Kelli! :)