Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Two Days Off! YaY

I've recently moved up to a manager position at the restaurant I work at and I work about the same amount of hours and get the same amount of sleep but for some reason I am worn out. I can't seem to adjust. It must be the later hours......? 

I usually don't care if I get two days off in a row but I am so glad to have it this week. I've wanted to clean and organize and read and enjoy some hobbies and just relax. And today I got some of that accomplished. My mom was so kind to come over and help me get my office organized, bedroom cleaned and kitchen straightened. There is nothing better than a house that is clean and organized. Clutter drives me nuts and I always feel it looming over me so to have it all organized for at least a day or two is AWESOME. 

After the house was clean, my nephew Cameron came over for a while and played Batman on the Xbox, not that he wanted to see Nathan or me but it was still fun to have him around. Nathan and I usually work opposite shifts but tonight we got to spend time watching anime and a movie we both agreed on. What could be more amazing=)

This isn't the most exciting blog for some to read, I'm sure but it was just a perfect day off and I still have another one tomorrow! It's the little things in life that are so wonderful. I hate feeling like I am behind and can't seem to catch up or enjoy my hobbies. It's so nice to get a "mental" break. So tonight I am staying up late, watching a movie and sleeping in tomorrow and then doing whatever I want. Good Night All

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