(This speaks to me so much. It breaks my heart to think of someone feeling this way. What a horrible feeling. That feeling is one reason I help those less fortunate and why I care so much)
"Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love." Amen!
"It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving."
"If you can't feed a hundred people, feed just one."
"At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. We will be judged by "I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in."
-Mother Teresa-
In 2007 when I was home from the Mississippi River, I decided to sponsor a child through World Vision. Who knew that day my life would change for the better! Those three weeks home were life changing for me. "how?" you ask? Well my grandpa died (God granted me such wonderful peace during that difficult time) and a friends mom died and I decided I wanted to know more about God (I'd always believed and prayed but I didn't have a relationship with him). I wanted to read the bible and read any books I could get a hold of. While I was home I also asked God to help me find the perfect husband. I was tired of wasting my time with the wrong ones but was in no hurry to marry. When I came back to the boat on the Mississippi I found my future husband, Nathan. No more losers.
When I sponsored my first child, Issac in 2007 that was the beginning of my passion for Africa. Last night when I was in bed I remembered when I decided to sponsor a child and when I remembered it was at the same time I truly began a relationship with God, it amazed me. I'm not sure if I'm being very clear......? When I was home for those three weeks I was just beginning my walk with God but God had already planned for me to have a heart for Africa and its people. I didn't know it at the time but my love, compassion and concern for that country would grow fiercely over the next 3 1/2 years.
Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be-Matthew 6:21 This verse came to mind yesterday. I've always been an excellent spender of money but since I've become closer to Jesus, my desires are different. Yesterday I was looking for shirts to support Japan and I donated to World Vision to help Japan during this difficult time. The other day I put a bid in on a silent auction for a family adopting from Africa. I'm still looking for shirts that support adopting orphans all over the world or shirts supporting Africa and clean water. I don't want to sit by and do nothing. But the reason I feel this way is because of GOD! He gave me this heart. He gave me this burden. It is on my heart and I HAVE to help.
I've always said in my blog that I was blessed and fortunate. I have nothing to complain about. So when I see other's suffering and going through difficulties like Japan, I can't help but have my heart broken. Imagining what they are facing. Some have gone without food, water or shelter for 4 days! Wow! I've never been in that situation. There was an article and a picture of a woman and the caption said she was trying to find her husband. Can you imagine the fear, hopelessness, concern she was feeling? It brought me to tears. I can put myself in her shoes and think "What if that was me?" And it's not just Japan. I would help any country in anyway I could. We are ALL God's children. We are ALL special to him. While we are on earth we are His hands and feet.
I don't expect everyone to have the same passion as me. If so then others would be neglected. God has given us all a heart for something so we can make this world better. Most of my money does go to my passion but I would help anyone who asks. It doesn't matter to me. So when I ask for support/donations for my passion, know that God gave me this heart. I'm doing his will for my life. I don't believe we are here to think "me" or "I."
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