Saturday, April 2, 2011


1.    I do not have to feel guilty just because someone else does not like what I do, say, think, or feel. 
2.    It is O. K. for me to feel angry and to express it in responsible ways. 
3.    I do not have to assume full responsibility for making decisions,particularly where others share responsibility for making the decision.
4.    I have the right to say, "I don't know." 
5.    I have the right to say "No," without feeling guilty. 
6.    I have the right to say "I don't understand," without feeling stupid.
7.    I do not have to apologize or give reasons when I say "No." 
8.     I have the right to ask others to do things for me. 
9.     I have the right to refuse requests which others make of me. 
l0.    I have the right to tell others when I think they are manipulating, conning or treating me unfairly. 
l1.    I have the right to refuse additional responsibilities without feeling guilty. 
l2.    I have the right to tell others when their behavior annoys me. 
l3.    I do not have to compromise my personal integrity. 
l4.    I have the right to make mistakes and to be responsible for them; I have the right to be wrong.

l5.    I do not have to be liked, admired, or respected by everyone for everything do
-I am a people-pleaser, always have been. I don't like anyone being upset with me but sometimes that is unavoidable. I'm learning though. Some of these things on this list really resonate with me especially when it applies to my new role at work, manager. #1 and #15 for me. What about you???

1 comment:

  1. It took me almost 40 years to realize most of these things and some I still struggle with.

    It's hard being a pleaser...
